

Zuubly Review

Here is another Zuubly review.

This tiny rental site was built using the Zuubly training and software.

It ranks first in the Maps Pack and organic for "towing Avondale."

Open a new tab and see for yourself:

An image of Towing Services in Avondale, AZ

Notice with these Zuubly reviews, there is no hype.

We stick to the facts. We show you undeniable proof that we do this, and it works, and it's wide open. Now ask yourself: Is the internet going anywhere? No. Are small businesses going anywhere? No. Do businesses pay for marketing and advertising? The ones who want more customers do, yes.

Even during recessions and pandemics? Not all niches, but the majority do, yes. And some even do better during downturns. Commercial cleaning companies, accountants, financial advisors, auto repair/maintenance, home maintenance services, small business loans, divorce attorneys (unfortunately), funeral services (even more unfortunate, but true), the list goes on.

Don't most businesses already have a website? Yes, but it's nowhere to be found. A digital dust collector. The website is not what matters; it's people who want to spend money being able to quickly and easily FIND the website. Meaning, it's all about ranking on that first page of Google, which is what we do.

Okay, if it's so easy, why wouldn't they just do it themselves? Some do. They're the exception, not the rule. The vast majority are too busy running their business to sit behind a computer all day and mess around with this "internet stuff." 

What if you suck at sales? We don't sell; we serve. We do all the work up front, get the leads coming in, hand out free samples, let them sell themselves. If you can send an email and offer someone free customers, you can close deals. And if you don't want to do that, we can do it for you. 

Doesn't it take months or even years to rank in Google? Not with local. When you're trying to rank for "tow truck in Avondale Arizona" you're only competing against other tow truck companies that serve Avondale. There are only so many of them. And none of them are pros at this like we are. Which is why you can rank in a matter of days or weeks doing this. And inside Zuubly, we help one another rank by sending relevant, powerful "votes" to one another's sites. It's an unfair advantage.

Will it get too crowded if we tell everyone? Well, if that were the case, we surely wouldn't be showing you dozens of our own sites before you even joined. Think about it. You could do your own tow site in any one of thousands of other cities in the U.S., Canada, Australia, UK, anywhere. But that's just one niche. There are hundreds, maybe even a thousand-plus types of local businesses. Multiply that by all the English-speaking cities worldwide, and that equals MILLIONS of available niches. With new ones being born all the time as the world evolves. Mobile IV therapy, cryotherapy - these things didn't exist all that long ago.

What if you're not very technical? Our drag-and-drop website builder and call tracking/forwarding software makes it very doable for the average person. But, I mean, if you can't do a Google search or send an email, this is probably not for you.

Anything else you should know? Yes, it's this: we're not looking to take on just anyone who will pay. We don't run ads to promote this. It doesn't cost us anything to turn people away. We still make the vast majority of our money doing this, not teaching it. It's a good position to be in. Again, we don't need anyone's money. But we're happy to work with other positive, focused, driven individuals who value having an impact first, making an income second. If you're just looking for the laziest way to make some extra money, and could care less about helping small businesses, please do not apply. 

​For everyone else, we would be grateful to see your application come through. 

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